Our Silent Flight Electric Fun Fly is coming up!
The silent flight fun fly is open to airplanes, powered gliders, and anything else that flies and is electric or 'silent'. No internal combustion motors during the fun fly.
Date: Saturday June 18th
Rain Date: Sunday June 19th
Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm
Lunch: Noon to 1pm. Hot Dogs on the BBQ with basic condiments and bottled water will be available at no charge.
Open flying will begin after 3pm. Gas and Glow powered vehicles can fly at this time, along with electric vehicles.
The club has purchased a number of new plastic chairs, and we have the two picnic tables, but if you have a chair you can bring, it will ensure you have seating.
If the weather doesn't look favourable for Saturday, June 4th, an email will be sent out on Friday evening to advise the event will be moved to the rain date of Sunday, June 5th.