Flying Locations

Flying Field

The club maintains an outdoor flying field in Nanoose, as part of a land lease from the Department of National Defence (DND). The field covers approximately 50 acres of DND land, and features a maintained grass runway. In addition to MAAC regulation flight line, flying stations and pits, the club maintains a warming hut which allows for flying and socializing in colder weather. Members fly fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, and quad-copters or 'drones'. Flying at the club is governed under MAAC rules and additional PDQ club rules. To fly at our site each pilot (or student) is required to have a valid MAAC membership.

Field Location

Our outdoor flying field is located off of the Island Highway, 3.1km north of the Nanoose Petro Canada station. Access to the field is via a paved road, protected by a locked gate. Club members with a valid MAAC membership are provided a gate key. Drop-in visitors are welcome to the field, though it's recommended visits are coordinated with a member or one of our club executives. A DND waiver will need to be signed once you arrive. The field can be found on Google Maps using this link here.  

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Field Weather

The club maintains a solar powered weather station at our outdoor flying field. The weather station records temperature, windspeed and direction, barometric pressure, humidity, and precipitation. The station updates the Weather Underground website every ten minutes. To view the weather station you'll need to visit the external station link here. 

Indoor Flying

Indoor flying returns for the 2022/2023 season! The club flies at Nanoose Place Community Centre, from 7pm to 9pm on the first and third Monday each month. All Small indoor aircraft are welcome. Rubber powered, electric, fixed-wing, drones and small helicopters. 

Visit our Indoor Flying page for more information.